Protein continues to shine!

17 May 2024 Market trends

The trend of products containing high protein content reached a high level a few years ago and continues to persist. Interestingly, its principles are evolving. Currently, not only the amount of protein is important, but also its quality and source.

After a period of rapid development in the market for vegan and vegetarian products enriched with plant-based proteins, the market became saturated with highly processed products and products labeled with high protein content claims. The market has somewhat gotten used to these claims, but that does not mean it has stopped seeking such products.

Currently, products rich in protein but low in sugar and fat are in demand. Instead of protein bars enriched with hydrolyzed plant-based protein, which are mainly consumed by athletes and physically active individuals, savory products with naturally high protein content are starting to take their place.

Products can be labeled as "high in protein" if at least 20% of their energy value comes from protein. Most meat products can be labeled this way. On average, chicken breast contains up to 33 grams of protein, turkey meat – 30 grams, and pork around 27 grams of protein. These are "high-quality" proteins, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids necessary for proper human nutrition.

Both youth and seniors have started paying particular attention to the ratio of energy from carbohydrates and fat compared to energy from protein. Promoting the high protein trend among seniors is becoming increasingly popular since this age group, due to the risk of osteoporosis and other age-related diseases, needs to pay special attention to maintaining adequate muscle mass.

In recent years, the number of meat products labeled with high protein content claims has been increasing. Many producers further enhance the naturally high level by adding soy isolates or milk proteins. Such products provide a longer feeling of fullness and fit into the trend of conscious eating and maintaining good health and physical condition.

Libra Food Ingredients offers solutions that increase the natural protein content in meat products. If you need more information, please contact us.